Scientific Information Agency

Topics by keywords: slave trade

Runaway Cossacks and Peasants – Slave-Owners in the Northwest Caucasus in the Middle of the XIX century
Slavery: Theory and Practice
Runaway Cossacks and Peasants – Slave-Owners in the Northwest Caucasus in the Middle of the XIX century

Cossacks and Peasants — Slave-Owners in the Northwest Caucasus

The Modern Times Slavery in the Countries of Black Sea and South Europe
Slavery: Theory and Practice
The Modern Times Slavery in the Countries of Black Sea and South Europe

Slavery in the Countries of Black Sea and South Europe

Evolution of the Institution of the Slave Trade in the Caucasus in the IV–XIX centuries
Bylye Gody
Evolution of the Institution of the Slave Trade in the Caucasus in the IV–XIX centuries

Institution of the Slave Trade in the Caucasus

Scientists about the combat losses of the Russian army in the Caucasian War (1801-1864)
Bylye Gody
Scientists about the combat losses of the Russian army in the Caucasian War (1801-1864)

The Losses of the Russian Army during the Caucasian War (1801—1864): Historical and Statistical Research

